Maintenance mistakes landlords make

Here are some of the top maintenance mistakes that landlords make.

Not performing regular property inspections

Regular inspections ensure that little maintenance jobs are picked up early and don’t develop into major repairs, for example leaks, mould and ventilation issues.

It’s also a good way to verify that the tenants aren’t breaching the tenancy agreement (i.e. unauthorised pets and people, or putting holes in the walls) that may result in damage to the property.

In some cases, if inspections are not completed, the owner may be negating their insurance cover. 

See the benefits of having Barfoot & Thompson property managers arrange maintenance. 

Neglecting or delaying maintenance

Neglecting or delaying property maintenance and repairs is likely to lead to unhappy tenants, which could increase turnover and also make your property more difficult to rent.

A property that is not well-tended may suggest to prospective tenants that the landlord does not care about the state of their investment, or that they would be less responsive to repair requests.  

Not investing in good quality fixtures and fittings

Paying a little more upfront to invest in well-made fixtures and fittings will save you money in the long term, as they are less likely to break and will get more wear before they need to be replaced.

Failing to budget for maintenance expenses

Unexpected repair costs can be expensive, so it’s important to ensure that the rent you charge is sufficient to contribute towards these costs.

It’s also a good idea to set aside a separate budget for repairs and ongoing maintenance. As a bare minimum, you should allow $1,500, or better yet, 0.3% - 0.5% of the value of your property per year for maintenance. 

Not encouraging tenants to alert you to required repairs

Set clear expectations with your tenants from the outset on the basic things they need to do to prevent damage to the property, such as: 
  • regular airing of the rooms and proper heating to prevent mould
  • looking out for signs of leaks or water damage
  • and regular checks of fire alarm batteries
Encourage them to inform you when repairs are needed, so that more serious damage down the line can be prevented.
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