Make your rental property more energy efficient

Everyone wants to live in a warm, dry house - without the alarming monthly power bill. By making a few small adjustments, you can make your rental property warmer, drier and more energy efficient.

Save on hot water

Did you know that heating water accounts for around one third of our energy bills?

One of the simplest things you can do for your tenants is to have a shower flow restrictor fitted. This can reduce the water flow rate to 9L/minute or less, saving them heaps on their electricity bill.

You can test the efficiency of your existing showerhead by seeing how long it takes to fill a 10 litre bucket. If it takes less than a minute, you’re wasting water.

For just a little bit extra, you might instead choose to have the showerhead replaced with a low flow model, which is still a very cost-effective option.

Your property manager can quickly and easily organise either of these upgrades for you.

ShowerheadFitting a low flow showerhead or shower flow restrictor are two cost-effective ways to reduce your tenants' hot water bill.
Heat pump or air conditionerA well chosen heat pump heats rooms more efficiently and can be a draw card for tenants.

Wrap up your hot water cylinder

It may sound old-fashioned, but insulating your hot water cylinder and pipes is still a very effective way to reduce your energy consumption.

It pays to also check that the hot water cylinder is set to 60oC at the cylinder and no more than 55oC at the tap.

Your property manager can arrange insulation for your hot water cylinder and check the temperature is set correctly.


Insulate your property

Ceiling and underfloor insulation are compulsory in all rental homes, where it is reasonably practicable to install, and must meet the correct standards. Learn more about insulation requirements under the RTA.


Heating standard

Your rental property must have one or more fixed heaters that can directly heat the main living room. Learn more about heating requirements.

Our property managers are here to help

Our property management services include property maintenance, so we can arrange repairs and provide advice and assistance with your property, including helping you make some of the improvements mentioned above. Contact a property manager

Want us to manage your property? 

We manage over 12,000 rental properties across Auckland, with dedicated property managers in over 60 branches. Talk to our property management team today.