Storm readiness

Are you ready for a super-sized storm?

During a storm, major damage can be done to properties and personal items if things are not properly secured and made ready for high winds and rain.  Whether you are a landlord, homeowner or renter it is critical to be ready for anything Mother Nature throws at you. We encourage you to print out this checklist for use anytime the weather radar indicates potential danger.

Exterior checklist

  • Make sure that your gutters, downpipes and drains are clear of debris
  • Anchor trampolines, shade sails, potted plants, outdoor furniture, propane tanks and retract awnings
  • Remove dead tree limbs or low hanging branches that could damage property.  (You may want to call in an arborist or if in a rental property, contact your landlord to discuss further)
  • Check that shutters and screens are secure
  • Check public street drains so that they are free of debris to prevent flooding
  • If you are on the waterfront you may want to fill sandbags
  • Visually assess your roof and exterior cladding to ensure that noting is loose
  • Move your vehicles away from trees and off the street into a sheltered area if possible

Emergency pack checklist

  • Purchase candles, rope, duct tape, batteries and matches
  • Locate flashlights, lanterns, solar sources of light and a battery-powered radio
  • Make sure you have ample supplies of personal medication, pain relievers and a first aid kit

Personal prep

  • Depending on the size and scope of the storm and your electricity needs you may want to consider buying or renting a generator. Remember, prices and availability can fluctuate if a storm is looming so having your own readily available can be a real asset
  • Fill your bathtub with water. It can serve as a source of fresh water if temporary contamination or plumbing damage becomes an issue. It can also be used to flush toilets
  • Head to the supermarket and stock up on the basics including packaged milk, bottled water, snacks and food items that do not need to be cooked
  • Don’t forget your animals! Bring them indoors and have extra food on-hand
  • Purchase at least two large bags of ice to be stored in a chilly bin
  • Plug in laptops, phones and other electronic devices to ensure they have a solid charge
  • Head to the bank or an ATM to get cash
  • Have a thermometer handy to check the temp inside your refrigerator
  • Have a quick conversation with your employer about whether you can work from home and what inclement weather policies are in place

Pack up paperwork

  • Have a copy of your insurance policy handy for your home, contents and cars
  • Print out important emergency numbers before the storm hits

Get the kids ready

  • Look at the weather radar with your children as the storm approaches. This helps them to process what is happening and alleviates fear
  • Head to the library and stock up on books
  • Inform them that the power may go out and brainstorm about indoor activities such as board games, art projects and crafts
  • Stack up the kids favourite DVD’s for a storm time movie marathon
  • Let each child pick a couple special snacks or meals that need little prep

These are some good tips to keep in mind as we get ready to switch seasons. New Zealand is known for a good ol’ storm every now and then so being prepared is always a great idea!