Under the Roof: The people behind the property

Lani Allard, Residential/Lifestyle Sales, Waimauku

Joining the Barfoot & Thompson Waimauku team in 2021, Lani approached her sales career with poise and professionalism. Her well-honed business acumen from successfully running her own beauty and wellness clinics for 20 years saw her quickly rise to the top. Within her first year, she was the #2 individual salesperson in the Rodney region and her consistent, exceptional performance earned her the coveted company Rising Star of the Year award in 2022. This International Women's Day, we sit down with Lani to get the intimate details on who inspires her, what helps her thrive and her future goals.


Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?

A: "Meeting amazing new people, and striving to exceed their expectations not just with a sale price, but with impeccable service and representing them professionally at all times. I love property & houses, when people entrust you their biggest asset I take that very seriously and it is a great honour. I strive for greatness."


Q: Who is a female that has inspired you in your real estate career?

A: "Sharon Kenny, she took real estate to another level in the 'NorWest and is a fantastic mentor and manager now helping and guiding others. We are very lucky and fortunate to have her knowledge and expertise passed down to us."


Q: What would you like to see more or less of in the industry?

A: "At the moment I am sure I speak for everyone when I say MORE SALES and less apprehension out there in the market."


Q: Do you have a message for the young women out there?

A: "Dream big, and every day do something that takes you a step closer to your goal, nothing is out of reach if you’re hungry enough. Be brave and take the leap. One thing I struggle with is maintaining a balance of self care and boundaries, which I need to do better at as it is extremely important. Keep your tank full and then you can fill others efficiently."


Q: What's the best advice you've ever been given?

A: "Your life is created by your thoughts, we must radiate success before it will come to us, whether you think you can or can’t either way you are right. Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words, keep your words positive because your behaviours become your habits, keep your habits positive because your habits become your values, keep your values positive because your values become your destiny."


Q: What is a future goal of yours?

A: "To achieve balance, and have an impeccable reputation. If I achieve that which I think I already have everything else will flow."